
Events / Special guided tours / Workshops

Mon, 13.06.2022

11:00 am

Architecture Tour
Start: Vitra Schaudepot

Architecture Tour (DE)



12:00 pm

Architecture Tour
Start: Vitra Schaudepot

Architecture Tour (EN)



1:30 pm

Architecture Tour
Start: Vitra Design Museum

SPECIAL: Japanese Architecture at the Vitra Campus | GUIDED TOUR (EN)

With Kazuo Shinohara’s Umbrella House, a new highlight of Japanese architecture complements the architectural ensemble on the Vitra Campus. During the guided tour, you can learn more about the buildings and architectural culture in Japan. It includes the conference pavilion by Tadao Ando as well as the production hall by SANAA.

9,00 € per Person (reduced: 7,00 €) + Admission Vitra Schaudepot

No registration required.