
Events / Special guided tours / Workshops

Thu, 16.02.2023

11:00 am

Architecture Tour
Start: Vitra Schaudepot

Architecture Tour (DE)



12:00 pm

Architecture Tour
Start: Vitra Schaudepot

Architecture Tour (EN)



6:00 pm

Vitra Schaudepot

Robotic Architecture and its Materials – Mareike Gast and Matthias Kohler | TALK (DE)

Given the breakthroughs in 3D printing and digital manufacturing, what will the future of architecture look like? Matthias Kohler from Gramazio Kohler Research explains how robots can create architecture and why they often use new, sustainable building materials. Industrial designer Mareike Gast’s work and research focus on new materials and technologies. Together they will discuss the future role that new materials produced or processed by robots or other innovative technologies may play in design and architecture.

Free admission, registration: events@design-museum.de