Josef Hoffmann

born 1870 Pirnitz, Germany
died 1956 Vienna, Austria

Prior to 1892studied architecture at the State Academy of Arts and Crafts in Brno
1892 - 95ontinued studies at the Academy of Visual Arts in Vienna, as well as in Munich
1895established the Siebener Club, whose members also included Josef Maria Olbrich and Koloman Moser;
study-related travels to Southern Italy
1896 - 99taff member in the Otto Wagner architectural studio
1897joined the Viennese Secession
1899 - 36professor of architecture, interior design, and enamel painting at the Viennese Academy of Applied Art
1900designed the hall for the Viennese Secession at the Paris world’s fair
1902traveled to England with Koloman Moser;
was introduced to Charles Rennie Mackintosh
1903established the Wiener Werkstätte
1905built and furnished a sanitarium in Purkersdorf near Vienna as well as Palais Stoclet in Brussels
1908cofounder of the Österreichischer Werkbund
1925designed the Austrian pavilion at the Exposition des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
1932created terrace houses at the International Werkbund Settlement
Josef Hoffmann’s work as an architect, furniture designer, and craftsman underwent numerous trends and styles and influenced both Classic Modernism and Postmodernism.